About Me

Hi there!

I'm Lydia. This is my blog. But I bet you've already figured that out. This is my spot to dwell on the best things in life.

I love reading blogs about a multitude of subjects, but my favorites are the ones that give me a window into someone's life. So, I decided to create a blog that uses my love for sewing and knitting as that window.

I have noticed that there aren't many blogs out there for the high school/college crowd. Since I am currently a  college student, I hope this blog will help fill that void.

Some random facts about me:

My major is Fashion Merchandising. I like to describe it as half fashion, half business, i.e. half fun and half real-world experiences.

I LOVE sewing.

I chronically mispronounce the word "gesture".

This is me in a nutshell: Nerdy fashion-conscious Christian seamstress. Yup.

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