Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Things I Learned In College

I am nearing the end of my second year, and my little sister is getting ready to graduate. When I think back to high school, I realize just how much I have grown, matured, and learned in the last two years. So even though there will be a lot to add in the next two years, I thought I'd write down some of the things I've come to realize during my college education.

1. Everything changes. Seriously. Everything.
2. It is possible to be friends with boys. I don't know what I thought in high school, but it was something along the lines of "boys are aliens from another planet".
3. Hair straighteners work great in a pinch to iron clothes. Especially for hems and other small spots.
4. Be yourself, or you'll end up with friends who don't know the real you. Nobody wants that.
5. There is a distinct difference between boy movies and girl movies. Who knew?!?
6. The occasional C is okay. Really.
7. Community bathrooms are not that bad. I promise.
8. Most people consider hanging out in graveyards abnormal behavior. The things unique to your family may not be common practice.
9. There will be times when your academics are not your top priority. Things happen, friends need you, it's okay.
10. Most of the time, academics will be your top priority. Everyone stresses about papers and tests. That's okay too.
11. Join only the clubs you love, and get leadership positions in them. Fun times and resume building! Win-win!
12. Don't join everything, just because you don't like saying no. Too many clubs just means too much stress. It is okay to say you aren't interested.
13. You will remember the nights spent stargazing, not the nights spent studying. Live a little.
14. God's got everything under control. Let Him take your stress and worry.

What have you learned in college?

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