Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Fruits of the Spirit

This semester at The Well, we've been memorizing "heart verses". I.e., we're not committing them to memory, we're learning them by heart. One a week.

 I've taken to writing them on my white board so I can read them easily during the day. As I was sipping my coffee this morning, I began meditating on this week's verse: Galatians 5:22-23.

 The fruits of the Spirit.

I was familiar with the verse, of course. There isn't a PK in the world that hasn't heard it in Sunday School at some point. But I hadn't really meditated on it. For a long time, in my mind I had thought of the "fruits of the spirit" as this list of characteristics of the perfect Christian. To be a "good person" you had to be loving and have self-control. So, naturally, I tried to be better at these things. But it was hard! How do you just have more faithfulness? Seriously?

It's not up to me.

They're fruits.

By-products of growth.

If I'm growing closer to God, and seeking His face, these things will come. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives joy, peace, and patience.

That is so sweet.

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