Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Day of School

I'm back at school! Yay! My first day of classes was yesterday. The fun thing about college is things change so quickly. In high school, I was used to doing all my courses, every day, all school year. Here, I have Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes and Tuesday-Thursday classes, AND I get totally new subjects every four months! It's so nice to change things up. The other advantage to having all new classes, etc. is you get an extra first day of school. Instead of one a year, now there's two! So this was my January First-Day-of-School outfit.

I love this sweater. I found it at Sears for only like $8! And it's soft and cute. :)

These are my cute jeans. I have comfy jeans, skinny jeans, and cute jeans. I love the wide bell-bottoms, and the sparkly bling on the pockets doesn't hurt.

These boots are perfect with these pants. The hem is kinda long, so I am continually stepping on it and wearing it out. The heels on these ankle boots are 2 in. - not enough to make me stumble, but just enough to lift my pants off the ground.

I found this bag at an antiques/second hand store and fell in love! The bright color is so cheery, and it's made of silicone or vinyl or something, so it doesn't get dirty easily.
Sweater: Sears
Jeans: K-Mart
Boots (I couldn't find this exact shoe, so here's a similar style): Payless
Bag: Thrifted.

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