Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's the New Year!

I don't usually make New Years Resolutions. Well, if I do, they are never anything specific. Maybe something like, "Grow closer to God," or something generic like that. So, this year, I decided to do something different, see if I could keep a New Year's Resolution. I'm going to try to post on here at least once a week. I know, I know, "real" bloggers post once a day, at minimum. BUT, that's a lot, so I'm going to start small and see if I can handle this whole blogging thing.

Wanna help me out? leave a comment. I think the reason I went on a blogging hiatus the last six months was that there was no indication anyone was even reading my crazy ramblings. Also, perhaps, that I had been almost solely blogging about sewing-related topics. Of course, there will still be plenty of that. But, I'm a college student, so that means I don't have a lot of time for sewing anymore. Super sad face!

I have been sewing in the costume shop of late. I was lucky enough to get a work-study job there, so I get as much of a "sewing fix" as I can there. I don't know what I'll do when we close after our last show of the season!

Some other things I've been doing this past semester: Learning how to draw the proper 9 heads fashion figure, having fun times with my roomie-cousin, actually working out, I NEVER went to the gym in high school. Oops. Making midnight runs to Wal-Mart, Attending Ugly Sweater Christmas parties, and having an amazing time of growth with my Freshman Girls Small Group.

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