Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What I Love: 5/1/13

So apparently, I am not the only person who sucks at blogging every single day. Jenni from Story of my Life is starting a movement to blog every day in May. I heard about it from one of my favorite blogs, Much Love, Illy and I thought "hey, I've been trying to do that anyway...why not?!" So for the month of May, What I Love will be different thanks to Jenni's suggested posts.

I was born in Massachusetts (hey! I spelled that right!) almost two decades ago. I grew up a pastor's kid and homeschooled, which meant a couple of different things. First, my family has a lot of random quirks that we don't think are weird but other people are completely confused by. Second, I am very close with my family. Being number 3 out of 4, my siblings and I were all great friends growing up, and we still are. Third, I grew up loving Jesus and treating the church like my second home. When I was 8, we moved to New York. The move was tough, but once we got settled, New York was home. I made some wonderful, close friends there, and grew and matured a lot. When I graduated high school, I moved to Ohio to attend college. Moving six hours away from home was very hard, and the first semester I was very homesick and overlooked a lot of things just to have friends. Fortunately by second semester I had begun to figure out who I actually wanted to spend time with, and began to build those relationships. I managed to land at The Well, an on campus worship movement, and that is where my "Ashland family" started to grow. My sophomore year, I continued to make friends and learn and grow, and I became a lot closer to one of my guy friends. After Christmas break, he asked me to be his girlfriend and we've been dating since. I don't know what the future holds, but if there's one thing I've learned from my past, its that God really does use everything for His good.

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