Thursday, May 2, 2013

What I Love: 5/2/13

I have to admit, I am excellent at roasting marshmallows. I have honed the ability of sticking sugary fluff into fire and having it come out all golden and melty. In honor of today's Blog Every Day Of May, I thought I might share my methods with you, my lovely readers.

How To Roast A Marshmallow Perfectly

1. get a good fire going. the fire has to be just right. A brand-new fire is too hot, and doesn't have the proper coals. Let it burn down for a bit. It is perfect when there are a lot of glowing coals and not too many burning logs in the way.
2. grab a marshmallow. Stick it on the end of a skewer. I don't recommend roasting more than one marshmallow at a time, because this can affect the distribution of heat. Also, try and grab a  straight skewer, because if it is bent it will throw off the rotation of the marshmallow.
3. find your spot. You want to find a spot in the fire where the coals are red-hot. It's also nice if there is a log or rock nearby that you can rest the skewer on.
4. start roasting! Stick the marshmallow close to the coals, resting the skewer on the log to stabilize it. Slowly rotate the skewer, so all sides of the marshmallow are evenly exposed to the heat. Watch it closely, and you'll see steam coming from the marshmallow when it is golden. When you see the steam, rotate! If you let it sit once it starts steaming it will turn black and catch on fire. When all sides are evenly golden, the marshmallow is done.
5. EAT. messily and with chocolate.

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