Thursday, May 30, 2013

What I Love: 5/30/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: React to the phrase "Letting go".

Letting Go.

This brings to mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions...resistance, acceptance, people I've had to say goodbye to, songs with the phrase, but most of all, the realization that even if I don't like it, it has to be done.

Several months ago, Cory, Annie, and I bid farewell to a good friend. They were both closer to him than I was, so they were discussing their different styles of saying goodbye to someone close to them. For example, Cory dislikes saying goodbye, so his preferred method is to get it over with quickly and act as though he'll see them tomorrow. At the time, I really had never had to say goodbye to someone incredibly close to me, so I really wasn't sure what my method if goodbye was. After this semester, and all that has happened, that is something I've learned about myself.

I've learned that if I have to say goodbye to someone, I cling to the last few precious moments I have with them. I try to make those moments last, and I store them up in my memory, so I can shake them out on a rainy day and admire them, smiling over sweet thoughts of times past.

But maybe, just maybe, clinging to the past isn't the wisest way to say goodbye. Maybe, as much as it hurts, the best thing is letting go, and knowing that there will be beautiful memories yet to be made.

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