Friday, May 31, 2013

What I Love: 5/31/13

Today's topic: A vivid memory.

One of my clearest memories of my mission trip to Africa was when my team visited Mumena. It was a tiny village, but the people there really burrowed into my heart. The poverty there was so heart-wrenching and to know that it was just one of millions of villages in Africa just as stricken broke my heart. One woman was living in a house the size of a twin bed. It was simply made of straw, and just like the tree little pigs story, I'm sure a strong wind would blow it over. The roof was so low that I'm sure she could not stand up straight, and she wasn't that tall to begin with. She was probably in her sixties. The sight of her standing next to that tiny shed will be with me forever, and I hope it will always break my heart, not because I like having my heart broken but because then I will be moved to change it.

Our guide showing us the hut. Someone LIVES here.
The owner of the house

Thursday, May 30, 2013

What I Love: 5/30/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: React to the phrase "Letting go".

Letting Go.

This brings to mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions...resistance, acceptance, people I've had to say goodbye to, songs with the phrase, but most of all, the realization that even if I don't like it, it has to be done.

Several months ago, Cory, Annie, and I bid farewell to a good friend. They were both closer to him than I was, so they were discussing their different styles of saying goodbye to someone close to them. For example, Cory dislikes saying goodbye, so his preferred method is to get it over with quickly and act as though he'll see them tomorrow. At the time, I really had never had to say goodbye to someone incredibly close to me, so I really wasn't sure what my method if goodbye was. After this semester, and all that has happened, that is something I've learned about myself.

I've learned that if I have to say goodbye to someone, I cling to the last few precious moments I have with them. I try to make those moments last, and I store them up in my memory, so I can shake them out on a rainy day and admire them, smiling over sweet thoughts of times past.

But maybe, just maybe, clinging to the past isn't the wisest way to say goodbye. Maybe, as much as it hurts, the best thing is letting go, and knowing that there will be beautiful memories yet to be made.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What I Love: 5/29/13

Today's topic is: 5 songs that bring back a memory/feeling. Yay! (Links go to Youtube.)

1. Prettiest Friend by Jason Mraz. This song was on a mix that Cory made me right before we started dating.    He sometimes called me his "prettiest friend", but I'd never heard the song, so when I listened to the mix I was amazed at how accurate it was to our situation.

2. 22 by Taylor Swift. Yes, I know this is a Taylor Swift song. Still, it brings back memories of hanging out with my roommates this past year. Annie turned 22 in November, and we always joked that this was "her song".

3. Bohemian Rahpsody by Queen. This song reminds me of the road trip Cory and I took, particularly when we busted out singing along (and singing all the different parts, of course). Good times.

4. My Evil Plan To Save The World by Five Iron Frenzy. This is a totally random song, but it reminds me of my totally random family and the crazy things we do together. Growing up, I listened to a lot if Five Iron Frenzy, because it was one of my brother's favorite bands.

5. Jesus Paid it All This old hymn/new praise song is one of my absolute favorites. It brings to mind memories of worship at The Well. I love this song. If I ever got a tattoo, I've often thought I'd like the line "All to Him I owe".

This is a totally random playlist...but hey, continuity wasn't the idea. ;)

Monday, May 27, 2013

What I Love: 5/27/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: A letter to your readers.

My dear readers,

Thank you. Thank you for coming back, day after day, to see what I have to say. It is very humbling to think that you actually care enough about me and my words to take time to read this little blog. Without you, I would have stopped writing a long time ago. But seeing the number of hits on my posts grow month after month is encouragement like no other. Maybe someday I'll even get a comment! You, dear readers, make this blog what it is. It would be just another domain name taking up space in the blogosphere without you.

Thank you!!!


Sunday, May 26, 2013

What I Love: 5/26/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: Something you read online. Link & discuss.

Adoption. To most of us, that word seems so romantic and special. It brings to mind thoughts of welcoming an abandoned child into your arms, loving them and giving them a home. That is certainly how I thought of it. Then I discovered Nancy's blog, Ordinary Miracles and the Crazy 9, and her stories of adoption and the journey she's been on with her three kiddos opened my eyes to what adoption really can be like. This post was a very raw look at how heart-wrenching, wonderful, awful, and beautiful adoption can be. It made me stop and take a deep look at myself to ask whether I would actually be willing to go through with that. Honestly, I don't know if I could. I still think adoption is a beautiful thing, and it is an incredible opportunity to share God's love, but it is not all sunshine and rainbows. I hope that I would trust God enough to be okay with that.

(If you want more info, Nancy has a post with links to her further posts about adoption here.)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

What I Love: 5/25/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: Something that someone told you about yourself that you will never forget.

I've had a couple of people give me this complement, but the first time was definitely the most entertaining. It was on my mission trip to Zambia in 2010. I believe we were eating dinner, and one of my teammates announces: "Can I say something weird? I wouldn't mind if Lydia were my mom." She then went on to explain that I will someday make a good mom due to my sewing, knitting, and hair-braiding abilities. I hope I will be a good mom for more reasons than just that, but it was a great complement and I'll never forget it.

Myself and a young friend.

Friday, May 24, 2013

What I Love: 5/24/12

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: your top 3 worst traits.

Oh this'll be fun...

The first "worst" that comes to mind is I don't know how to say no. In some cases this could be a good thing, but it almost always results in me double-booking or over-working myself, which results in stress, which then sometimes gets taken out on other people. And that's not okay.

The second, I would say, is that I'm messy. I don't like this about myself, because it also means that I am lazy...I'm just to lazy to clean up after myself. I try to be better about this, but some days I am just too lazy to get up and put something away.

The last (on this list, anyway) is that I jump to conclusions. I assume people mean one thing, when they may mean something completely different. Sometimes, when I'm talking to someone, if I don't quite hear them I will make a guess as to what they said. And I am not always right. Also, I've caught myself making judgments or assumptions about someone based on how they look or act, without getting to know them.

I guess the point of this is, I'm a broken, imperfect human being. I want to be loving and Christ-like, but sometimes I fail. I want to overcome these things, but I cannot do it alone. I desperately need God by my side.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What I Love: 5/23/12

Today's topic: Things you've learned that school won't teach you.

This is slightly different for me, due to the fact that I was homeschooled so I have very little idea what a public school actually teaches. But here are some things I've learned along the way that I didn't learn in a "school setting"

People are nice. In general, people are friendly, willing to help you out, and often just as nervous as you are. A smile can go a long way.

Life is short. Eat dessert first. Now, I don't necessarily agree with this statement, but I love the sentiment behind it. Don't waste time worrying about your weight or looks or what others think. Be healthy, but that does not mean you have to be the calorie police. If you like a little chocolate with dinner, go for it.

God really is in control. He's got everything taken care of. It may not always feel this way, but it's true. Even in the crazy seasons when it does not feel like it, He's there.

I guess the overarching theme of these things is don't worry. About anything.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What I Love: 5/22/12

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: Rant about something.

Okay, here's my pet peeve: When people leave safety pins open. This drives me nuts because the point (no pun intended) of a safety pin is that the point is protected and so you can't be stabbed when you're around them. If they are left open, then that totally nullifies their purpose. Would you like to have your purpose nullified? Close the pins, people!

Just the way they should be!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What I Love: 5/21/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives.

This one is my favorite recipe post. I don't post many recipes, but this cake is too amazing to pass up.

This one is one of my most popular posts. It's a tutorial on how to hand-sew jersey knit fabric.

This one was the most fun to write. It's all the things I've learned in two years of college, and it was a fun post.

And of course, this one which was written on the day my boyfriend and I started dating. :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

What I Love: 5/20/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May challenge: Get real, and share something you are struggling with right now.



I guess what I'm struggling with is the transition back into my life at home. When I'm at school, I'm on my own, I'm my own person taking care of myself and growing, maturing, and reaching out. But when I'm at home, I am my parents' daughter. Don't get me wrong, this is a wonderful thing. I love my parents, and their guidance has gotten me through many tough things both at home and at school. But to go from the outgoing, in-charge adult to the nineteen-year-old who has to ask permission to borrow the car is a difficult change. It doesn't help that I feel like I'll be going back to school in a few days. It hasn't set in for me yet that I am home for the next three months. Yes, there will be awesome and wonderful things to experience during that time, but it's going to take me a week or two to adjust.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What I Love: 5/19/12

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic is: Your five favorite blogs and what you love about them.

Okey dokey, in no particular order, here goes:

1. Ordinary Miracles and the Crazy 9. I love this blog because Nancy is so real and raw about her journey raising 7 kids, 3 of whom are adopted. Her reliance on God is an inspiration to me. I have learned so much from her, and it has made me seriously consider adoption and whether I'd be willing to make that commitment. She also has an incredible talent with photography.

2. Much Love, Illy. Illy is so sweet. Her style is cheery and fun, and the things she writes about are always interesting and encouraging. She's given me a lot of topic ideas for this blog. She is another blogger who's faith is so evident and encouraging.

3. EPBOT. Jen is hilarious. I love EPBOT because it is so unashamedly goofy, geeky, and fun. Jen posts about everything from going to cons to creating steampunk jewelry. And she does it with such a friendly air that it is fun to read.

4. Craftiness is Not Optional. This is a great blog for sewing inspiration. Jess is constantly posting tutorials for things she's made for her daughters, and each pattern is hand-drafted and perfectly executed. She also posts about awesome parties she's planned. I don't know how she does it, all of that AND caring for three toddlers.

5. Ruffles and Stuff. This blog makes me smile every time I visit it. For one thing, it's pink and orange. For another, Disney and her daughter Paige are super cute, and the things she posts about are always fun. I think my favorite, though is when Paige writes a post. Disney blogs about sewing and crafts, but she also shares about her life homeschooling Paige.

These blogs are all fun, and I enjoy them all. I've got a lot more I could share about but these five are definitely my favorite go-to's!

Friday, May 17, 2013

What I Love: 5/17/13

Today's topic: A favorite photo of yourself and why.

That's pretty easy. This one:

I love this picture. It was taken when I was in Zambia, Africa and it was completely candid. One of the other girls on the team took it as I was studying this sweet boy. This picture is so special to me because it reminds me of the incredible children I met there, and their desperate need. Just look at his eyes. They pierce your soul.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What I Love: 5/16/12

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you are working to over come it.

What come to mind when I think about this topic is the fact that in a matter of days, I will return home to New York for the summer. I am excited about this, and this is a good thing, but it will also mean leaving behind my boyfriend. This is going to be hard. There are many reasons for that, but a big one is that we have been together so much that to even be apart for two days leaves me missing him. Going several weeks without being with him is going to be a huge challenge.

I know, however, that we will overcome this. We will have to opportunity to be with people and build relationships that we would not have gotten to experience otherwise. We have worked out times to see each other. We have communicated ways to stay connected to each other, and what we need from each other. They say that absence makes the heart grow stronger, and in this case I know we will be reunited better people, and a better couple, than when we left.

What I Love: 5/15/12

Today's topic: A day in the life.

This is not my normal day, because I am on a retreat and not on my normal schedule. However, today I got to spend most of the day hiking around Mohican, a beautiful area about half an hour from Ashland that is known for it's hiking trails. It was fun, and nobody had to go to the hospital, so it was a good day overall.

Photo credit: Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What I Love: 5/14/12

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic is 10 things that make you really happy.

1. silky fabric.
2. tea.
4. having a good conversation.
5. Reese's cups.
6. snuggling.
7. strawberry pie.
8. hiking.
9. being surrounded by people I love.
10. Cory.

Yup. :)

What I Love: 5/13/12

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic is to issue a public apology. How appropriate...

Dear Readers,

I formally apologize for neglecting this blog. I had said I would post a blog every day this month, and I have missed several days. I do not want to make excuses, but I in my defense I have had some long days lately. I am currently at a leadership retreat for The Well, and that has been occupying my time. It has been really good, and I hope to tell you more about it later. However, that does not excuse my neglect of this site. I am sorry.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

What I Love: 5/12/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: Something you miss.

My dear friend, Annie. Today she left to return home. She graduated yesterday (Super proud of her!), and now she is heading back to be reunited with her fiance and finish planning her wedding. I am sure I will see her again, but it will be a long time before I do. I know I will miss her greatly, because she has been such an influence on my life. She mentored me through a lot of things, and I credit my relationship with my boyfriend to her (I'd never have gotten to know him so well if she hadn't been friends with him first). I know we'll keep in touch, but for now we must walk our separate paths. God bless you Annie, and I love you!

I think this is a great song for good-byes (even though the music is kind of terrible), and yes, I hope it makes you tear up, if only because it makes ME tear up. Pray for me, and I'll pray for you.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

What I Love: 5/11/13

Today's Blog Every Day In May topic: Sell yourself in 10 words or less.


I am awesome.

Friday, May 10, 2013

What I Love: 5/10/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: Most Embarrassing moment.

Oh boy, I've got a good one for this.

So, a little over a year ago, AU had a concert featuring Tenth Avenue North. I volunteered to work as a ticket taker a one of the doors. The lady who was in charge told me to make sure I asked everyone for their tickets, because people would try to sneak in after the show had started. So the concert begins, and the opening band, Rend Collective Experiment, began to play. About halfway through their set a group of about five hipster-type dudes came through my door. Being my good little ticket-taker self, I stopped one of them and asked to see his ticket. He gave me a weird look and said, "We're playing after them." It was the bass player for Tenth Avenue North, and I had just asked him for a ticket to his own concert!

What I Love: 5/9/13

Blog Every Day in May topic: A picture of your day.

I got to go on a hike and see Taughonnock falls, the tallest waterfall east of the Mississippi river. It is located in Ithaca, NY and is 215 feet of free-falling water.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I Love: 5/8/13

A piece of advice  for you: When in doubt, go with black. It is slimming, and it looks classy no matter what.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I Love: 5/7/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic: The thing(s) you are most afraid of.

This is a pretty challenging one (okay, let's face it...they've all been pretty challenging!) because for me, there are very few things that I really truly cannot handle. There are plenty of things in the world that I don't like, but I wouldn't say I am scared of them. These things, however, I am terrified of:

- Moving heights. I am perfectly fine on mountains or buildings or other stable high places, but I freak out on the Ferris Wheel. I have no idea why.

-Not getting the chance to say goodbye. I understand that death is a part of life, and death does not scare me. Even losing those I love, though it would be awful, I am not afraid of that. I am, however, afraid of not getting the chance to tell them how much I love them.

- People never having the chance to hear the Gospel. Never getting the chance to say "yes!" to Jesus Christ. That shakes me to the core of my soul.

Monday, May 6, 2013

What I Love: 5/6/13

Today's Blog Every Day in May challenge is "If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question 'What do you do?'"

I do a lot of things...I sew, I make things, I eat (a LOT), but the one thing I do above all else is worship God, and seek to glorify Him in every part of my life.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What I Love: 5/5/13

One of my favorite blogs in the whole world is Much Love, Illy. Illy has such an awesome attitude about the world. She is always encouraging, crazy, obsessive, or excited about something. With many of the blogs I follow (and I follow a LOT) I won't read every post. I will just read the posts that sound/look interesting. Not so with Illy. I read every post of hers, because they are always fun and witty. Occasionally, she'll post about something more serious, and that too is incredible. I admire her faith and her heart for those hurting. Thanks for being awesome, Illy!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

What I Love: 5/4/13

Today's Blog Every Day In May topic is write your favorite quote and why.

Dang it.

That is hard! There are a million different quotes that I could choose. Some people just have a way with words, and it means so much. My Pinterest quote board is one of my biggest boards. Some of my favorites on there are:

You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body. - C.S. Lewis

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss

Come to Me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28

But I think one of my favorite quotes of all time is this one from the hymn "Jesus Paid It All". It is the first verse and the chorus:

I hear the savior say,
"thy strength indeed is small
child of weakness, watch and pray
find in Me thine all in all"
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe
sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow

Isn't that just so beautiful? It is so simple, and yet so TRUE.

Friday, May 3, 2013

What I Love: 5/3/13

Today's Blog every day in may post topic is "things that make you uncomfortable". This is an interesting one... not many things make me truly uncomfortable. Lets see...

when people talk bad about someone to or around me. Especially if I know the person they are talking about.
when I'm with a group of boys and they forget there is a girl present.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What I Love: 5/2/13

I have to admit, I am excellent at roasting marshmallows. I have honed the ability of sticking sugary fluff into fire and having it come out all golden and melty. In honor of today's Blog Every Day Of May, I thought I might share my methods with you, my lovely readers.

How To Roast A Marshmallow Perfectly

1. get a good fire going. the fire has to be just right. A brand-new fire is too hot, and doesn't have the proper coals. Let it burn down for a bit. It is perfect when there are a lot of glowing coals and not too many burning logs in the way.
2. grab a marshmallow. Stick it on the end of a skewer. I don't recommend roasting more than one marshmallow at a time, because this can affect the distribution of heat. Also, try and grab a  straight skewer, because if it is bent it will throw off the rotation of the marshmallow.
3. find your spot. You want to find a spot in the fire where the coals are red-hot. It's also nice if there is a log or rock nearby that you can rest the skewer on.
4. start roasting! Stick the marshmallow close to the coals, resting the skewer on the log to stabilize it. Slowly rotate the skewer, so all sides of the marshmallow are evenly exposed to the heat. Watch it closely, and you'll see steam coming from the marshmallow when it is golden. When you see the steam, rotate! If you let it sit once it starts steaming it will turn black and catch on fire. When all sides are evenly golden, the marshmallow is done.
5. EAT. messily and with chocolate.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What I Love: 5/1/13

So apparently, I am not the only person who sucks at blogging every single day. Jenni from Story of my Life is starting a movement to blog every day in May. I heard about it from one of my favorite blogs, Much Love, Illy and I thought "hey, I've been trying to do that anyway...why not?!" So for the month of May, What I Love will be different thanks to Jenni's suggested posts.

I was born in Massachusetts (hey! I spelled that right!) almost two decades ago. I grew up a pastor's kid and homeschooled, which meant a couple of different things. First, my family has a lot of random quirks that we don't think are weird but other people are completely confused by. Second, I am very close with my family. Being number 3 out of 4, my siblings and I were all great friends growing up, and we still are. Third, I grew up loving Jesus and treating the church like my second home. When I was 8, we moved to New York. The move was tough, but once we got settled, New York was home. I made some wonderful, close friends there, and grew and matured a lot. When I graduated high school, I moved to Ohio to attend college. Moving six hours away from home was very hard, and the first semester I was very homesick and overlooked a lot of things just to have friends. Fortunately by second semester I had begun to figure out who I actually wanted to spend time with, and began to build those relationships. I managed to land at The Well, an on campus worship movement, and that is where my "Ashland family" started to grow. My sophomore year, I continued to make friends and learn and grow, and I became a lot closer to one of my guy friends. After Christmas break, he asked me to be his girlfriend and we've been dating since. I don't know what the future holds, but if there's one thing I've learned from my past, its that God really does use everything for His good.